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Updated over a week ago

Every Glimmer creator, regardless of location, can use the Reports tab to download all earnings receipts from the previous year for their own reporting purposes. Additionally, you may also download a consolidated report displaying all 2024 earnings by heading to the Taxes menu, via the Settings page. We highly recommend consulting a tax advisor if you have any questions about how to properly declare earnings in your jurisdiction.

What Glimmer Collects From You

The IRS requires us to collect certain information so that we may file the appropriate forms with them regarding creator earnings and withholding tax (if applicable). This applies to both US and non-US persons.

When you visit the Taxes section of the Settings page, you’ll be asked to provide your basic contact information. From there, you will be prompted to select the form that applies to your tax situation. If you’re unsure of which form to submit, you may use the available Tax Form Questionnaire by clicking on the link as shown below:

Depending on your specific circumstances and the form you’ve selected, you may be asked to submit additional documentation to verify your filing status. If there is an issue with the form submitted, you will receive a notification so you may update your information.

As Glimmer cannot legally provide specific tax advice we would recommend that creators refer to the instructions available from the IRS or speak with a tax advisor who can offer guidance that is tailored to your tax situation if you have questions about how to complete your tax form.

How Glimmer Reports Your Earnings

The content below applies specifically to U.S. persons and entities. If you are not a U.S. person, you are responsible for complying with the rules and regulations within your own jurisdiction. We recommend that you consult with a trusted tax expert or advisor, as Glimmer cannot provide tax advice.

If you are a creator whom the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) defines as a “U.S. Person” and earn money working with your client through Glimmer, you need to report this income on your tax return.

1099 K- vs 1099-NEC

In 2021 Glimmer started issuing 1099-Ks instead of 1099-NECs. As the paying agent for work you do through the Glimmer platform, we issue 1099-Ks as a record of payments, not earnings. In accounting terms, this is a “gross” total rather than “net.” It includes all payments you received including funds you may have paid to Glimmer as fees or to your clients as refunds rather than withdrawing. It also includes any payments for project expenses that were paid to you. Because the 1099-K is a record of payments only, what you report as income/earnings to the IRS may differ from the amount on this form.

2024 Tax Forms

Glimmer will be issuing 1099-K’s to eligible creators for payments issued during 2024.

1099-K forms for 2024 earnings will be available to eligible creators on or before January 31st, 2025.

Eligible creators will receive an email from our tax partner requesting consent to access their forms via their secure portal. Please note, you will need to click on the “Consent Now” button within the email to initiate this process.

2023 1099-K Reporting Thresholds

For the work you did in 2023, you would not receive any type of 1099 form from Glimmer, unless the following was true:

You are a U.S. Persons and receive over $20,000 with more than 200 transactions through Glimmer. In that case you will receive a form called the Form 1099-K (not to be confused with the more common 1099-MISC). Under the Internal Revenue Code Section 6050W, Glimmer will file a Form 1099-K form with the IRS for you, and you will receive a copy of your Form 1099-K or 1099-NEC via U.S. Postal Service by January 31. Remember that only those who have received over $20,000 in gross payments across more than 200 incoming transactions will receive a 1099-K. If you don’t meet the minimum payment threshold AND transaction count, you will not receive any type of 1099 form. For example, if you:

Earned $25,000 as 25 payments of $1,000 each? No 1099-K would be sent

Earned $2,500 as 250 payments of $10 each? No 1099-K would be sent

Earned $25,000 as 250 payments of $100 each? U.S. persons would receive a 1099-K

As a reminder, a 1099-K is a record of payments, not earnings. In accounting terms, this is a “gross” total rather than “net.” As such, it includes all payments to the creator on all contracts. You can always use the Reports tab to download receipts for the year's earnings if needed.

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